6175 NW 153rd Street, Suite 204, Miami Lakes, FL 33014

Phone Number
(786) 536-7280
Tell us About Yourself
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* We’ll get back to you in 1-2 business days
Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

I am an injured Federal Employee. Do I have to pay for treatment?
Our practice will never charge you for treatment. We ensure that your claim is approved, so that your treatment, lost wages, and all benefits included are within grasp.
Can I choose my attending doctor?
Absolutely! The Department of Labor (OWCP/DFEC) gives all injured Federal Employees the right to choose the attending doctor for their treatment. You are not obligated to treat with their choice of doctor.
What if my claim has been denied by OWCP?
From our experience, this is due to incomplete paperwork and/or medical reports that are insufficient. Our team will guide you, re-submit corrected paperwork/reports, and work diligently until your claim is approved.
If Physical Rehabilitation right for me?
Yes! Anyone can benefit from Physical Rehabilitation, even those that have not been injured. Those who suffer from any type of musculoskeletal pain will benefit from it, as well as improve physical performance to those who are not injured.
I was involved in a personal injury (Auto accident or Slip & Fall) can you treat me at your practice?
Of course! Anyone who has suffered an injury can come in for treatment. We also work with Adjusters, Nurse Case Managers, Attorneys, and any Insurance Carriers involved.