Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is performed to facilitate motion of a joint that has been restricted of movement. Due to the nature of some repetitive movements, musculature tends to stiffen up in in order to protect the joint. However, the lack of movement of the tissue can be harmful and increase the rate of injury. in conjunction with other therapeutic procedures, manual therapy is used to increase movement, decrease pain, and activate tissue regeneration.
More Services
Lyfe specializes in orthopedics, sports physical therapy, fascial stretch terapy, and personal injury. Individualized care is provided with each patient in order to establish a treatment program that addresses their individual goals and needs.
Orthopedic physical therapists diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery. This speciality of physical therapy is most often found in the out-patient clinical setting.
Sports Physical Rehabilitation
Physical therapists can be involved in the care and wellbeing of athletes including recreational, semi-professional (paid) and professional (full-time employment) participants.
Fascial Stretch Therapy
Stretching offers many health benefits, including increases in: flexibility, release of endorphins, improved blood flow, and energy levels. Stretching also helps to reduce post-workout soreness, recovery time, and decreases risk of injury.
Personal Injury
Personal injury is a legal term that refers to the injury (physical or psychological) of an individual that has been caused by the negligence of another. Miami is known to have one of the highest car accident rates in the United States.
(786) 536-7280
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